
Monday, February 13, 2012

New look and new stories

     My followers have grown accustomed to my blogs about the adventures I get into with the nine grandkids, my fight against human trafficking, my promoting Unicef, Somaly mam and End Slavery Now. They have also learned of my growing love for zombies, mostly because of book two of my trilogy, but also because the boys and I want to be apocalypse ready for any disaster, and therefore, my becoming a member of the Zombie Squad.

     Readers who are treated to my mostly funny blogs, are not aware of my dark side, which influences my trilogy in progress, short stories and flash fiction. With the help of two saintly co-writers, I have learned to use the blog site and now have a new look. Let me know if you like it?

     I'll still blog about the kids, ghost hunting, steampunk and anything else, I think you'll enjoy reading, but I'll also be posting some of my flash fiction and excerpts from my trilogy and short story. I'm working on my "about me page" and will be adding photos of my steampunk outfits, pictures of the desparados, and other interesting images. So enjoy the new look and read my post on Wednesday. I'll be doing a blog interview of Fran Metzman on her new book, The Hungry Heart.


  1. This new look suits what I've seen so far with your flash fiction pieces. Looking forward to seeing more.

    1. Thank you Mieke. I would like to use one of your picture prompts to write a short story if this is okay with you.

    2. Definitely, Marie. Please do. If you wouldn't mind adding a link to the source page on my blog, I'd really appreciate it.

  2. Terrific new look, Marie, I like it!

    1. Thank you Glenn. Poor Amy spent all day helping with this. I do have a question on something I'd like to try, but I'll check it out with you first.

  3. To Marie, Glenn and Mieke All my thanks! MARIE YOU DID A GREAT JOB IN TOUCHING MY HEART! FRAN
