
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Busy Weekend

     This past Saturday night, one of my ghost hunting friends and I went to the monthly event at Dorian's Parlor. I was excited to be wearing my new Victorian steampunk outfit and also to observe the other well dressed guests. I even had my persona picked out. I went as Emele Watson, private detective and zombie slayer.

     My friend Rita was a German detective and zombie slayer named Gretchen. This was her first trip into the world of steampunk and although she was apprehensive at first, she relaxed as the night moved on and I think she and the other ghost hunters will be attending Dorian's Event next month.

    On Sunday, after meeting with the South Jersey's Writer's Group for a blog tune up, I took one of the teenage grandsons to my first meeting with the Zombie Squad. This is a great group which was featured on the History 2 Channel. Their slogan, "We make dead things, deader," might confuse people to their real purpose, but what they're really about is getting your every day citizen prepared for any type of disaster.

    I had the honor of having a late lunch with ZSC 021, a group of intelligent and concerned citizens who want to help others prepare for the worse case scenario, any long term disaster can bring. I was at first, a little nervous about attending this meeting and wondered what I would be able to contribute in the form of helpful information, to the group. But their easy welcoming ways, put me immediately at ease and my grandson, Joshua ( one of the desperados from my other blogs) and I were made to feel right at home.

    I'm looking to meet again with the group and Joshua has already told me, he wants to tag along. I'll keep everyone posted on further adventures.


  1. awesome Marie glad to here you have a Steampunk persona now!! And that you are preparing for the zombie Apocalypse!!!

    1. Thank you Stacey. Sometimes I feel like I am the zombie apocalypse.

  2. What a busy and exciting weekend!

    1. Thanks Glenn. Sometimes I feel like I need a vacation from my life, but I'm getting all my living in now.

  3. You are awesome, Marie. I definitely have to join you on an adventure!

    1. Thank you, Krista. I would love to have you join me on one of our ghost hunts or to go to Dorians.
