
Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Special Way to Celebrate an Anniversary

My husband and I just celebrated our Anniversary this past week. Thirty-three years and we’re still talking to each other. Only kiddingJ

We wanted to do something special and because the weather was cooler, we headed to one of our favorite spots, Palmyra Cove.

Palmyra Cove Nature Park is 250 acres of sanctuary for migrating birds and other species in a highly developed area near to the Delaware River. They have a great education program and offer opportunities to volunteer or become a member. Make sure you check this gem out and go visit.
My husband and I picked a trail on the map supplied by the main office and away we went. Our trail sometimes took us close to the river and then back towards the woods.

We saw many deer, but they were always a little too far for us to get a clear shot.
When we saw this fellow, I began to sing a song, don’t know why for sure. I think I was trying to let the deer know we meant no harm.
You can see that the animal unlike the rest of my family, doesn’t mind my singing and actually stayed long enough for me to finish my song and get this shot.
We came upon some wild turkeys as we were heading back to the Park Center and my husband asked, “Are you going to sing to them too?”
Don’t laugh, I did and guess what? They must have liked my singing too because more turkeys arrived.
After walking at the Cove for two hours we were ready for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants.


  1. Congrats on 30 years and happy anniversary! My husband and I just celebrated our third anniversary. Glad to see there are couples who are still going strong. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thank you and Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. I think the best way to stay happy is to go on little adventures together. Thank you for visiting my blog:)

  2. Sounds like a lovely day, Marie! Happy Anniversary! Ralph and I will be celebrting our 12th on Oct.1. We've been together for 21 years though and we celbrate both! Have a great weekend!!

    1. Thank you Fran and a very Happy Anniversary to you and you husband. If you're not too far away, you should visit the Palmyra Cove, you'll both enjoy the visit. Sorry I've been an infrequent visitor to your blog, but I've been helping with the South Jersey Anthology and I was asked to review the new season of "The Walking Dead" for a major publishing company called Biff Bam Pop. We should meet for coffee, soon and we can chat:)

  3. Aw, congratulations Marie & Dan! What a milestone!

  4. Congrats! Also thanks for giving me another place to check out!
