
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Interview with the Author of Jack and Jill, Volume One


I have the wonderful honor of interviewing one of the writers from the South Jersey Writer's group who is not only featured in our new short story anthology, Tall Tales and Short Stories from South Jersey, but is also published in other anthologies and now!!! drum role, please!!! has her first book published. Let's all same hello to our marvelous Jennifer M. Eaton.

         When did these characters first appear on the page?
       I found out about the Still Moments Anthology call for submissions through a friend. I wasn't a Romance Writer, so I was originally going to pass. Then I decided, "What the heck, let's see if I can do it." It was Romance, so I needed a guy and a girl (Yeah, that's a pesky requirement, isn't it?)  I decided to make Jill a single mom while I was writing the first paragraph, because a kid magically appeared, and I needed her Mommy to be "available" for the romance angle--so I decided to be mean and give her a divorce. The crux of the story had to do with a Christmas wish, and I thought it would be fun to have the wish sort-of-backfire...enter the male best friend, Jack.

          How have they evolved in this new book?
       In Jack and Jill Volume One, you see them come full circle from best friends, to making a commitment about their relationship. This is a little harder than your normal fly-by-night dating scenario, because they both know that if it doesn't work out, the chances of going back to being best friends are slim. They find out quickly that, even though they tell each other everything as friends, there are things about each of them that the other doesn't know and it will make dating not quite what either of them expected.
          Will there be another book about Jack and Jill?
      Oh, you noticed that "Volume One," did you? Yes, this is the first in a series. Moving forward, you will be able to read their story chronicled through a different holiday for each month. Volume one is December (Christmas) and January (New Year's) The next book will be Valentine's day, followed by St. Patrick's Day. You get the idea. I am not super-woman, though, so you won't see all these volumes this year. I need sleep, you know!

          What other projects are you working on?  

      Oh, tons! Like I said, Jack and Jill was a bit of a surprise, and Romance is not normally my genre, so I am busy in a lot of other areas. At the moment, I am shopping a Paranormal "first in series" called Une Variante about shape-shifters. It's great fun and I love the world I've created. I am also polishing my first Young Adult novel, "Fire in the Wood," which I hope to be submitting to publishers by Spring 2013. I have also just started a Young Adult Urban Fantasy tentatively titled " The First Day of the New Tomorrow". This is for an anthology, but if I go over on the maximum number of words, I think it will make a great stand-alone Novella. I am also flirting with an idea for a Dystopian sequel to my story "Last Winter Red." This is all on top of the ten Jack and Jill stories waiting to be written. Yep, I'm a busy gal.

             Jennifer, I want to thank you for being a guest on my blog, and I will keep my readers
             updated on  your works.

             Thanks so much for having me, Marie. I really appreciate it, and a little gnome told me that
             you picked up a copy of "Jack and Jill, Volume One". I hope you enjoy it, and please let me
             know what you think!
Yes I did, Jennifer, and you dear readers, can learn more about Jennifer, below:)

Jennifer Eaton lives on the East Coast USA with her husband, three boys, and a pepped up poodle.  She hosts an interactive website aimed at making all writers the best they can be. 

Jack and Jill Volume One:  Jill stumbles back into the dating world after twelve years of motherhood.  But things have changed a lot since the last time she dated.  Jack and Jill stories follow the challenges of a woman holding on to traditional values in a world that has evolved without her. Now that she has found the man of her dreams, will Jill be able to hold on to him without compromising what she believes in?

Enclosure links: 

Jennifer Eaton Photograph,

Purchase links

Amazon Print:


Contact Links:

 Twitter:  @jennifermeaton




  1. Thank you so much for having me Marie!

    1. My pleasure, Jennifer and I'll probably do another one, in a month or so to catch up on how the book is doing.

  2. Keep going and good luck.
