
Monday, February 18, 2013

MMA and E.R.

My oldest grandson, Jimmy is a Mixed Martial Arts fighter. He has won every match he's fought, including the one that left him with this injury. I'm not too sure of the exact name for this break, but "Holy Snap" comes to mind.

It will be a long recovery for him and I'm sending him hugs and kisses.

My daughter, son-in-law and the three boys have had a bad year, starting with the accident on the quads last spring. I need to wrap them in bubble wrap.


Here's hoping they make it through the year without another visit to the E. R.

   Love you guys!!!                                                                    


  1. Yikes! Marie, I'm sooo sorry to hear of your grandson's orange break. It hurts just looking at it. I'll pray for a speedy and complete recovery.

    I'll catch up with you soon.

    1. I miss you. My daughter and her family are so accident prone. I think the hospital has a wing named after them.
