
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Steampunk Granny's Big Hug and Thank You

On Sunday, June 29, 2014 I did a book launch for my apocalyptic tale with a twist, Roof Oasis, at the Treehouse Coffee Shop in Audubon. There is my banner outside of the Treehouse. Joining me that day at the tables was Dawn Byrnes, better known as Super D to all our friends in the South Jersey Writers’ Group. Dawn and I are responsible for selling our group’s anthologies.


                                                      ReRe and me setting up.                              

My daughter, ReRe, her husband Jim of Reid’s Auto Repairs in South Philly, and my two grandsons, Joshua and Nathan were there to sell her jewelry and to handle the children’s craft corner. Marybeth, a friend of Josh, was kidnapped into playing photographer and what a great job she did. Thank you Marybeth!
My editor Pattie O’Brien was there to celebrate in my big day and to introduce me when it was time for my reading from the book. She was also selling her ‘Bottles of Inspirations’ which proved to be very popular.
My granddaughter, Allie, the fashion designer in the family was selling her Steampunk and Cosplay jewelry and she made the pin that I word on my dress. It represented my writing. Thank you, Allie.

                                                   Me with my husband, Dan.

My husband Dan was put to work collecting money and giving out tickets for our guests to win a door prize. I drove the poor man crazy.
The Treehouse was packed with family and friends from all paths of my life starting with our writers’ group, friends from the Academy of Natural Sciences, St. Agnes Hospital, friends from my Zumba class, friends from my old neighborhood in South Philly, and even my ghost hunting friends were there.




  1. Congratulations on a job well done, Marie!

    1. Thank you for all your support, Jack. It means a lot.

  2. What a great book launch, Marie. I am still sore for not being there to celebrate with you.

    1. I missed you. We had a contest for drawing the best zombie or alien and we were giving out prizes. Next time:)

  3. Congratulations, Marie on a great launch party. I am sorry we couldn't be there. The kids were happy to hear about your book coming out.

    1. Thank you Mieke, I appreciate all your support and give the kids a hug for me

  4. It looks like it was a wonderful time, I wish I could have been there. Congratulations! (Oh, and I still need you to sign my copy).

    1. I will be happy to sign your book. Thank you so much, Loretta for your support

  5. You go! There us no one out here like you, Marie!

    1. Thank you Uriah!! It must be because of the company I keep and great people like you who support my craziness.
