
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Book Signings, Bazaars and a Soul Walk


This was a busy and exciting weekend for me, starting on Friday when I was invited to a book signing event at the Atria Living Center in Center City Philadelphia by my friend and fellow writer Harry Kyriakodis. It was a great learning experience for me and the residents of Atria who wanted to know what Steampunk was all about. Did I make any converts to the world of Steampunk? You never know J 


Saturday, I had the wonderful opportunity of hosting my first “Steampunk Granny’s Bohemian Bazaar” at The Treehouse Coffee Shop in Audubon, New Jersey.  I invited a handful of very talented artists, writers and crafters, all of which are the most amazingly talented and creative people to have at any event. Thank you to all the vendors of the Bohemian Bazaar; you all Rock! And, thank you to the owners and staff of the Treehouse for allowing us to use your fine establishment for our bazaar.


Dawn Byrne (close friend & fellow member of the South Jersey Writers’ Group) was there selling our group’s anthologies, Tall Tales & Short Stories from South Jersey and Reading Glasses. John Farquhar stopped by to help sell his “What to Expect When You’re Dead".  Dawn has entered into the world of Steampunk with flying colors by creating her own hat and brooch design. 


Marie Reid was there selling her beautiful jewelry, Alex Sullivan was there selling his book of poems, “A Printing Madman.


Allie Gilbert (oldest of my nine grandchildren, talented Fashion Designer, her work was featured at the Philadelphia Flower Show, and the person who introduced me to Steampunk) was there with her collection of jewelry and pop culture items.


Kahlil Weston (Publisher/Writer/Promoter of Independent Artists) was there to sell his books, “The Wes Daddy Mack Hour”, The Young & the Westless” and the Kahlil Weston Hour”. With Kahlil was a beautiful young new talent, Zhariya Amani. This young lady is going places so keep your eye on her rising star and her book “Words in My Head.” 



Nanci Rainey was there with her book, “Another Day in the Driver’s Seat” and Patti O’Brien (Editor, Journalist, Writer, Blogger and not only my adopted sister but one of the reasons my book “Roof Oasis” is doing so well, was there selling her “LitBits: Messages in a bottle--A little perspective when you need it.”

                             Nanci, Patti, Janet, Kahlil and Zhariya                                                  Magical Faery ArtMagical Faery Art

Cinsearae Santiago Reiniger (Publisher/ Writer/Fashion Designer/Crafter from the Dark Side) was there with her husband, Dan to showcase her stunning dolls, jewelry, etc. Everyone just loved her dolls.


Loretta Lombardi /Health Coach in healthy eating, was there to sell her book for lovers “I’m Hot, You’re Hot.” Loretta offers classes on macrobiotic meals that keep you healthy and sexy. Shelley Szajner is a spiritual healer and guide and besides selling her Magical Fairy Art, Shelley did a few Tarot readings.

Rosanna Martella/ Health Coach/ Artist/Sculptor, was there to see her book “Healing Epilepsy Naturally” and a large selection of her beautiful sculptures. The fine people of “Steampunk Works” kept their shop open for the Bazaar.

Ralph& Lee Cobert are collectors of anything Victorian and they design beautiful clothing for people interested in dressing Steampunk and the Victorian Era. Their clothing is featured is several films.

One of our vendors, Janet Lima, who was there selling her jewelry and crafts, bought a beautiful hat from the Steampunk Works shop. Here she is modeling it. Janet, her husband and their team run the Keystone Spirit Seekers. I was part of an investigation with them. Check it out here.
I was there promoting the Bazaar, selling my book, Roof Oasis, the first in a series; an apocalyptic tale with a twist. I’m not shy and was out in the street encouraging people to stop in and shop.  We are planning a Spring Event “Steampunk Granny’s Bohemian Bazaar Part Two” in April.  I’ll keep you all updated.
                                Kahlil, Janet, Dick and Cinsearae

After the bazaar, I headed to the Laurel Hill Cemetery for their Soul Crawl through the cemetery’s history with friend and fellow writer and blogger, Loretta Swearingen Sisco and her husband, Ted.

It was a fun night walking through this beautiful and historic cemetery and learning the history of the people buried there.  Cinsearae and her husband Dan were there, too. I bet you never knew that cemeteries could be so much fun!

The Cemetery is selling my book in their gift shop, and I helped to sell one of the books at last night’s event. What can I say? Steampunk Granny never stops ticking.



  1. Sounds like everyone had a blast!!! I will definately be there for the next one!!
