
Monday, August 22, 2016

Steampunk Granny interviews Psychic Medium & Author Tracy Farquhar

My friends and I, who are psychics, have been taking classes at the Spirit Light Services. I was so impressed with Tracy Farquhar that I invited her to be one of the vendors at my Steampunk Granny’s Authors’ Bonanza. Not only is Tracy a professional Psychic Medium and Channeler, but she is also an author. Luckily for all of us, who want to learn more about the universal collective, Tracy has agreed to this interview.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Were you always sensitive to the spiritual world?

Tracy Farquhar: Actually, I wasn’t aware that I had any particular gifts growing up, but I was extremely quiet and sensitive, to the extent that I was sent to the school psychologist in 6th grade since they felt I was too shy. It turned out I was psychologically fine, but I feel my sensitivity to energy caused me to avoid crowds and pull back from people. I grew up in a family who was interested in metaphysical phenomena and the spirit world, so it was always something I was open to and fascinated with. It wasn’t until I started taking a night course in psychic development at a local community college in 2005 that I found that I was pretty good at the practice readings and I began to develop a passion for the work and a real interest in developing my skills. At that time, I worked in an art college, so I had lots of students around who were willing to let me do readings for them. After a few years of practice, I became a professional, offering private readings and parties part time, while I was still working the full time job. I became a full time entrepreneur 3 years ago when I rented a small office in an artists’ cooperative where I did individual readings and taught workshops. Just last July, I moved my business, Spirit Light Services, into a larger space where I offer readings plus workshops, classes and group events both presented by myself and other practitioners.

Tell us about your shop Spirit Light Services? What type of classes do you offer?

Tracy Farquhar: The Spirit Light Center is a spiritual gathering place where I offer individual psychic and mediumship readings in addition to workshops in psychic and mediumship development and other spiritual and metaphysical topics, plus Spirit Galleries (group mediumship readings), live channeling events, and workshops by other practitioners such as Vedic chanting, essential oils, various spiritual practices, meditation, angel work and more. I also have another practitioner, Shalini Breault, who offers Raindrop Therapy (a healing session with essential oils), Reiki and Private Crystal Bowl Healing Sessions. My intention was to create a center for like-minded people to gather, learn, grow and receive healing energy and spiritual guidance on their path. Everyone who comes into the space remarks how good the energy feels here, and so I feel my intentions have been met!

What is the difference between Mediumship and channeling?

Tracy Farquhar: Mediumship is a connection with spirit energy. A medium is able to raise her vibration to the level where she can connect with non-physical beings and convey messages to their loved ones. In a mediumship reading, I receive information from spirit mostly through images and feelings (clairvoyance and clairsentience), which I then translate into language to convey the message to the person or audience. And so there is a deliberate translation of what I am receiving into language to explain it clearly. Channeling is a more direct connection with non-physical energy, where I invite that energy to speak through me. There is still an element of translation going on, as the non-physical energy transmits information through vibrational frequency which is then translated by my brain into language, but the energy speaks directly through me. I am still conscious, present, and aware, but my consciousness steps aside and I am not creating the experience with my own thoughts and words.

You were a recent guest at the Authors’ Bonanza in Audubon’s Treehouse. I bought your book, Frank Talk, and I’m reading it now. Who is Frank?

Tracy Farquhar: Frank is a non-physical collective from another world. They are a group of 8 beings from another planet who began channeling through me about 7 years ago through an interesting series of events outlined in the introduction to the book. I began receiving some very intelligent, compassionate and uplifting information through automatic writing which was completely different from my usual writing style and which conveyed information I knew nothing about consciously. After putting the channeling aside for several years, I picked it up again a few years ago and began verbally channeling this collective in front of small groups. It soon became apparent that they wanted to write a book, and so the book Frank Talk: A Book of Channeled Wisdom was completed and self-published in December 2014. In the book, Frank talks about their world and the challenges they have overcome with the intention to inspire us to take similar action with some of our own earthly challenges. They also provide a fascinating perspective on our world through the eyes of a distant civilization.

I haven’t taken the class yet, but maybe you can explain about the Infinite Possibilities class that you offer at your shop.

Tracy Farquhar: The book Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams is Mike Dooley’s NY Times Best-Selling book about deliberate living and the use of the Law of Attraction to fully realize our creative powers in the manifestation of our lives. I had been studying this work for several years when I became a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer in June 2012, and to date I’ve taught around 25 workshops. It is an incredibly empowering, life-changing program which helped me to realize my dreams in ways I could have never imagined, and so it’s something I’m extremely passionate about teaching. I’ve seen so many people change the course of their lives, accomplish amazing things and experience incredible happiness through this program, and it’s such an honor to share Mike’s work.

You have a new book in the works. Can you tell us about it and when it will be available to purchase.

Tracy Farquhar: As an Infinite Possibilities trainer, I’ve attended almost all of Mike Dooley’s Train the Trainer conferences all over the country and have been a speaker and volunteer team member in most of them, so when I self-published my first book, I made sure to give Mike a copy, not really thinking that he would have the time or motivation to read it. But as it turns out, he DID read it, he loved it, and we wound up doing a live webinar together last summer, where I channeled Frank and Mike posed questions of them. We loved working together, and so we decided that our next project would be a book that we co-authored in the same format, with Mike posing questions which Frank, channeled through me, would answer. It has turned into an amazing work with fascinating information and inspirational messages, and I’m very excited that it will be published by Hay House next spring!

Why is it so important in today’s world to get more people involved with the idea of Infinite Possibilities?

Tracy Farquhar: I feel that there are amazing advantages to the technological advances we’ve made in recent times, in that they allow us to experience an understanding of how we are all connected in ways that were never available to us before. But we are also constantly barraged with cultural demands on how we should live our lives, what we should look like, what we should aspire to and how we should feel. This is extremely disempowering, and can lead us to believe that our lives are out of our control. Infinite Possibilities can help us understand that while we can’t expect to control people or events outside of ourselves, we can always choose how to respond to those things, and that the energy of our thoughts and beliefs has an enormous effect on not only our perception of reality, but also on what we draw into and deflect from our lives. Learning how we can create a different reality through the energetic power of our thoughts and beliefs is not only life-changing for an individual, it is what can alter the course of our world.

What advice can you give to an aspiring psychic or medium?

Tracy Farquhar: Like any other craft, ability or gift, practice, practice, practice! It’s important that you build your confidence in your gifts and learn to rise above any doubts, fears or worries about being “right.” The only way to do that is through continued practice. It’s a good idea to find a group or class where you can feel supported and understood, especially if you don’t have a lot of support from family and friends. And it’s highly recommended that you have some sort of meditation practice, in whatever way that works for you, so that you can learn to quiet your thinking mind, come into a sense of peace with yourself, and practice an internal focus which you need when connecting to universal knowledge and spirit energy and conveying that information to your clients. Be gentle and kind to yourself, know your limits, and remain open to various ways to expand, grow and evolve your skills. Most of all, set the intention to uplift, comfort and guide your clients to the best of your ability, as this is what the world needs most. Allow your heart to guide you and you will find your own unique path!

Thank you Tracy for being my guest today and if any of my readers are interested in getting in touch with Tracy you can find her here and here.


  1. Wonderful interview, Marie. It was a pleasure to meet Tracy Farquhar at your Steampunk Granny's Authors' Bonanza. Tracy is a fascinating woman. I'm glad I met her, and that you interviewed her.

    1. Thank you, Gail. Glad you enjoyed the interview and I can't wait to do yours

  2. Lovely interview. I had the pleasure of meeting Tracy in Ventura, California, and I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about her through you, Marie.
    My best,
    Tina Toran
    Infinite Possibilities Trainer
    Cape Cod, MA

    1. Thank you, Tina. I am so happy that you enjoyed the interview and I love Tracy, too
