
Monday, March 12, 2018



We can all be frightened by what’s going on in this world, so I asked GOD how I should handle fear and then I picked these cards.

There are many things in this world that causes us to fear. While some fear is good as a motivational tool for change, most of our fears can cripple us if we give into it. When I pull the cards, I don’t read the words. I listen to what GOD tells me.

Saint Michael the Arch angel steps in to answer us.

The World: We live on this world, and we have to survive in this world. The world right now is a very scary place. There is too much anger and hate. World leaders are comparing the size of their missiles, while war, famine, sickness, and death loom over us like hungry vultures.

Saint Michael reminds us that we are not alone. GOD has given us the means to survive no matter what this world throws at us. Jesus told us that although we live in this world, we are not a part of it. We are divine souls, and we control our reality. The servants of EVIL want us to be afraid, and to cower in the corner. But to break the cycle of fear, we must face it, and see it for what it really is. Fear is the catalyst for change…growth…and understanding. What do you fear? Face it, and know that heaven itself has our backs.

New Beginnings tells us that we must look at life differently. We can no longer hate or dehumanize other people. They are divine souls just like us. We need to join forces with our fellow humans and face the fear by recognizing that power comes with unity and love. Don’t allow the evil few to frighten us. Face your fear, be it sickness, loss of income, war, or death. We are above death. Our bodies may die, but we live forever.

The Sun tells us that life is good, and that every day that we are alive, should be cause for a celebration. The life we have may not be what we wanted, but we can change this by using the law of attraction to see yourself in a good place. And when you are overcome by fear, picture yourself surrounded by the light of GOD. You are loved! You are valued! You are protected!

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