
Saturday, March 24, 2018

Spiritual Reading for Forgiveness and Accountability


This was a hard reading to do because I am touching on two character flaws that I find in myself. It’s hard to forgive. I have a problem with this and, it’s the first thing I pick up on people when I’m doing angel card readings for them. We’re hurt. We feel betrayed…and we want revenge. Don’t deny it. We all picture ourselves turning the table on those that hurt us badly. I wanted to take a fresh look at the power of forgiveness. But first, I needed to ask a very hard question. Was I responsible for the rift that happened between a friend or family member? Meet me after the jump.

To be accountable for your actions means that you have to take a good look in the mirror, and be honest with yourself. “What could I have done differently? Did I really need to have the last word? Couldn’t I just overlook the flames of anger instead of feeding the fire.

I had a woman say to me at one reading that she would never forgive the person who she felt betrayed her. When I listened to her story, I realized that it was her unwillingness to allow someone else to walk their own path that caused her this pain and sorrow. She was the cement wall blocking a chance to forgive her only child. So maybe to forgive, we first need to point that finger towards ourselves.

Five of Michael tells us that this refusal to forgive, or acknowledge that we are just as much at fault, does not serve our best interests. “Let it go!” We, unlike a certain world leader whose name shall not be mentioned, are not above accountability. Consider what led up to this ending of your relationship. Look at the situation as an uninvolved bystander. How much of this breakup was caused by your refusal to compromise?  Be honest.

Five of Gabriel tells us that this is a challenge that you can resolve. Remove yourself from the drama of the incident. What exactly happened? It takes two to argue. What and how did you speak to the other person? Remember this too, they are probably just as upset with the loss of the relationship. We need to remind ourselves often whenever dealing with other humans, that we are divine souls (all of us) that are temporarily inhabiting this human form. Unless you are an old soul, we’re all screwing up one way or another. Don’t be judgmental! Don’t be quick to argue because you want to appear superior. It takes two to knock down that tower of cards.

Divine Guidance tells us to search for the meaning of life. You don’t have to climb the highest mountain in India and speak to a Guru for this meaning. The meaning of life is life itself. Live and let live. Allow people to have different opinions than yours. GOD wants us to partake of the joys of life and…Spoiler Alert…we picked this life, and the people who are in our life before we were born. So please don’t hate them. You don’t have to love them, but always send light and love their way. We should be enjoying the little gems in our everyday life and not partaking of the negativity. Most of the times, we are the cause of that negativity because we didn’t get our way. Surround yourself with wise people. You know who they are. These guides are always calming us down, and reminding us to look on the bright side of life.

Three of Michael tells us to release the past, and that time heals all wounds. This is when you realize that if you are admitting that maybe, just maybe, you are the problem; then you can take accountability for your actions. By admitting that you were just as much the blame…you then can then allow yourself to forgive the person you fought with, and most importantly…yourself. Let it go, then send a prayer out to that person. You don’t have to talk to them, but that prayer must be said for your angel to deliver it. “I forgive you. I forgive me. We are light, love, and compassion in GOD. Amen”

Solutions tells us that success comes from objective compromise. Be patient with yourself and others. Accountability allows us the gift of forgiveness, and forgiveness allows us to release ourselves of the chains of self-hatred.


  1. You have some deep stuff here, Marie. I agree it takes two people to argue and much can come from both sides. It is indeed hard to see what we particularly did wrong or how we have contributed to the personal problem we have. Wow! I've got a lot of thinking to do here. Hope you are well. Enjoy your week!

    1. Thank you, Victoria. I am doing well, and I miss you, my friend

  2. Many thanks for sharing. I am impressed with your website.
    I am going to post this to my facebook wall.

  3. Thank you so much for this Marie. I met you in September 2017 at a psychic fair in Edison. Your advice was powerful and has helped me so much. I hope I get the opportunity to meet with you again and hope that you are doing well.

    1. Thank you so much, Sharon. I'm glad that you enjoy my posted readings, and I am so happy to hear that my advice to you was helpful. I always think about the people I do readings for and wonder if they are happier with the direction I've gotten from GOD. Hope to see you soon.
