
Sunday, April 15, 2018

When You Encounter Failure: A Spiritual Reading


We have all gone through this…FAILURE! How do we start over again when that resume didn’t pan out for a better job, or that project you handed in, landed in the trash can, or that business venture vanished into thin air? Failure can bring on a sense of loss, and depression. We look for someone to blame for our misfortune. Maybe we are our own worst enemy. Today’s cards talk about starting all over again. In other words; dust yourself off, pick yourself up, and start all over again.

Five of Michael tells us that maybe, just maybe, this promotion, this new home, this guy or gal you were interested in wasn’t for you. Not at this time. Let it go! Reflect on how you originally approached the task, whatever it was. Did you put enough effort into arriving at the end-results?  Did you look at the whole picture to see if the expected results were what you truly desired?  You know that just because your family think you are the best thing walking the face of the earth, to your employer, you’re just a square peg in a round hole. You don’t fit in. Stand back, take a deep breath, then look yourself in the mirror. Michael, our warrior angel, is featured in this reading.

Nine of Michael tells us not to worry. Focus on the outcome you desire. Okay, so that promotion didn’t come through, or that girl flipped you off, or that house you wanted was not feasible because of your income. Don’t lose hope. Put your trust in GOD, then get to work improving yourself for that next bid. Fix what is wrong with you before trying to tweak a chaotic world.

Five of Raphael tells us that everything happens for a reason, so release the anger and guilt. “You worked so hard to get that promotion, and some little snot nose right out of college gets what you want.” Maybe, you would have hated the longer hours, or maybe you’d be required to work with an obnoxious co-worker. Maybe that little snot nose was actually the right person for that particular job. Even when things don’t go our way, Heaven has your back. Let it go, heal, and try again.

Seven Of Michael tells us that there is a better course. Review the details of what it is you desired. Work on improving the abilities you don’t already possess. Get a little help from your friends with introductions or references.

Six of Michael tells us that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. You have to swim to that light. Make the changes necessary. Make a plan, then live up to that plan. Live up to the high expectations that you desire and that means working very hard for what you want…even if the change needed is relocation.

This reading in dedicated to the beautiful people who I did readings for yesterday at the "On Angels Wings Spiritual Awakening" . You can do it! GOD has your back!

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