
Sunday, May 6, 2018

Spiritual Reading for 5/6/2018: Dehumanizing of Others


Them vs. Us! Those people, that country, that nationality, those immigrants, those refugees…does this rant sound familiar? What is it about the human nature that makes us fear diversity? Today’s reading is about hatred towards others. This is the most dangerous of sins, and Jesus specifically spoke against this hatred.

Who is my neighbor?

Evil has come into power not only in our country, but across the globe. We have become a nation of hate, isolation, and division. We are not only dehumanizing the refugees who are fleeing for their lives and from corrupt governments that torture and kill their own people, but we are attacking our very own American citizens because of race, sex, and political identity. Whatever happened to the motto, Love Thy Neighbor? The Alt-right, KKK, and 1488ers consider all non-whites as subhuman. Their goal is to eradicate all of those who are not “Pure.”

What is the most shocking in this situation, is that the very men and women who have sworn service to GOD, are the loudest supporters of these hate groups. Beware of Politicians who carry a bible, and preachers who support corrupt governments.


The bible and Jesus had the perfect replies about refugees, and just about anyone actively marginalized by a racist. When asked by a disciple on how to treat others, Jesus gave the sermon on the Good Samaritan…

So how do we change our ways? We remember that we are all divine souls that temporarily inhabit these human forms. We, and that means every single person on this planet, are created by the same GOD, and that this GOD loves us all equally. It doesn’t matter what color, sexual preference, national origin, or financial status we claim. HE champions the poor, the widow, and the child. When we hate the black man, the Native American, the refugee, the gay person…we are hating GOD. How do you think you’ll be treated when you stand before HIM at your death. Today’s reading gives suggestions on how to be more like GOD.
The Moon tells us to use our psychic connection to see clearly. What is going on in that other person’s life that you don’t understand? What is it about the other person that you fear? Are they that different than us? Don’t they also love their family, and want the best things for their children? The stranger is no different than us.
The Hermit tells us to spend time in quiet meditation. Connect with GOD and the Universe. Open your closed minds and hearts to the teachings of love. Would our loving Lord turn away a stranger in need? Would Jesus mistreat a person because of his color? You know the answer. HE WOULD OPEN HIS ARMS TO ALL! Do you think a gay person is judged on his sexual identity? Jesus would not judge him for loving another person, but on how he lived in this world. GOD is all about creation and love, but he will judge us on how we took care of the homeless, the prisoner, and the refugee…and...heaven severely denounces any minister who tells us to hate another person because they are not white.
Justice tells us to be fair and just. That means to follow the most important commandment from Jesus: Love one another as I have loved you! Do what is right!
The Magician tells us that we have been given the resources to be happy in this life, and to share this happiness with our neighbors on this beautiful planet that we call home.
The Wheel tells us that it is time to stand up to the haters. It is our responsibility to make the needed changes. If we look upon all people as fellow souls and divine creatures that temporarily inhabit this human form, then we will call down upon us the blessings of the universe. We can do this. It is the only way to prove that we are like GOD.

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