
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dogs, Books and Dr. Oz

This has been quite a week for me. My daughter and her family had gone on a well-deserved get away for a few days, leaving me to take care of little LeLe, one of their dogs. LeLe and my two Chihuahuas, Godzilla and Snowflake got along great and my husband and I enjoyed the antics of the three dogs.

My husband is getting used to coming to some of my book signings and people are getting to know the man behind Steampunk Granny. This Thursday night I had a book signing at the Maple Shade Library and on Saturday, Super D (Dawn Byrne), Super N (Nanci Rainey) and I headed over to the Landis Farmers Market in Vineland, New Jersey and the Novel Idea Chapter Two’s second Annual Autumn Author Event.

It was hosted by the owner of the Novel Idea Chapter Two Bookstore, Linda Eisenberg with the help of Kristen Battestella Snouffer, author extraordinaire and guardian angel.

Linda and Kristen make all the plans and do all the hard work of getting this popular event on tract. There were many authors there and all seemed to be doing a good job of selling their books. One writer, Tom Geden aka Sir Good Knight even put on a show for the children at the market. His link is here.

Although Kristin was fighting a cold, she braved the sniffles to make sure we all had our spaces ready. Love you Kristin. It was a productive day for all with Dawn selling our South Jersey Writers’ Group’s two anthologies Tall Tales and Short Stories from South Jersey and Reading Glasses and Nanci selling her book, One More Day in the Driver’s Seat.

Cinseare Santiago Reiniger and her husband Dan, were there selling their books, jewelry and adorable zombie dolls.

I sold several of my books and took a picture of my first sale; a lovely family who bought both Roof Oasis, the first book in my apocalyptic tale with a twist and Chicken Soup for the Soul’s “Touched by an Angel” and I have a story in this edition called Angel on the Footbridge.

I was contacted on Friday by the VP of Chicken Soup for the Soul to tell me that the Dr. Oz show is interested in having some of the writers who contributed to “Touched by an Angel on their show and I was one of the people chosen. It’s set for December 4th. I’ll find out more in a few days. I am so excited. I believe in angels, I believe in miracles and when you believe; good things happen.

My daughter and her family are back from their trip and they are preparing to take in Jim’s seriously ill father. They’ve already taken in Jim’s Uncle John who has an Intellectual Disability. Uncle John and Big Jim are in the right hands. My daughter and her husband are such loving and caring people who have put all their energy into making a safe home for both men.   

I’m keeping LeLe a bit longer. I insisted. I like that little dog and she likes me and ReRe and Jim need to devote all their attention on the humans for now.



  1. Thanks for your kind words, Marie! If only the puppies could have come to the Landis Marketplace, too!!! <3

    1. Kristin, you and Linda are good souls who help authors sell their books and I absolutely love the Landis Farmers Market. I can't wait until next year.

  2. Congrats for the sales and the added exposure. Looking good!
