
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Steampunk Granny's Road Trips through Charters and Clans


Did that title grab your attention? Good, because I was definitely a busy bee the past week. When you’ve written your first book in a series and while you’re finishing the second book and outlining what will happen in the third and a possible fourth book, you need to be out there in that big wide world promoting yourself and your book. Steampunk Granny (little ole me) is good at promoting not only myself, but all my friends. I have no intention of climbing that ladder of success alone; it could get very lonely at the top. No, I’m bringing all my friends with me.

I wrote an earlier blog  explaining how selling your book is a little bit like pimping or acting the part of hooker...sans the sex part. But, what I wanted to stress in that blog was how much fun you can have going on book signings. I’m gregarious by nature and can start a conversation with just about anyone, but if you are, by nature, a shy person, then book signings can be devastating hard to do. I recommend the buddy system. I had the opportunity to practice the buddy system when our writers’ group South Jersey Writers’ Group published our first anthology, Tall Tales & Short Stories from South Jersey.

My partner and I, Dawn Byrne, hit the book signing trail fresh from the gate and over the last two years our promoting style evolved from two little meek church mice to the Lone Ranger and Tonto rides again. We take turns playing the Lone Ranger with my version of Tonto closer to that of Johnny Depp’s.

Sometimes, I will go on solo book signings, but most of the times Dawn and I ride together and sometimes we have a fellow author ride along. Like I said these past two weeks have been my busiest and it helps to have a sidekick with you.
I love meeting people and I love interviewing them. Because of my insatiable curiosity about the world around me, I have met some very interesting and talented people who share the same interests as me and since I’m an Empath and do ghost investigations and I love everything “Steampunk” and I’m also retired from a prestigious museum, The Academy of Natural Sciences, I have lots to talk about.

                                       Cinsearae, Dawn, and Steampunk Granny                       

This week, I went from selling books at the Landis Farmers' Market in Vineland to the Marconi Senior Center on 15th & Porter Streets in South Philly to a library in Maple Shade, to Bogart's Book Store in Millville and a historic library in Burlington. In between all the book signings, I 've done several interviews, one which will be posted on Biff Bam Pop. on actress/dancer Dawn Noel.


Dawn is a n amazingly talented South Philly girl from my old neighborhood and who's made a name for herself on stage and television. Dawn has made it possible for me to set up an upcoming interview with Chad Coleman better known as Tyreese from "The Walking Dead."  I'll let you know when it's posted on www.biffbampopcom

This week, I had the pleasure of selling my books at The Library Company of Burlington and thanks to the library’s Director and Guardian Angel, Sharon Vincz, I sold lots of books. I also take psychic classes every week at the Library which is given by Marti Haines of the Ghost Hunter’s Store. This week, the members of the class attended the celebration of the original charter.


This charter dates back to 1758 by England’s King George the second. The present day British Queen, Elizabeth, wrote a letter congratulating the library on its celebration.

Yesterday, Dawn Byrne, Nanci Rainey and I went to Millville and Bogart’s Bookstore to pimp our books. There was a town wide yard sale and Bogart’s also had live entertainment.


I think the wonderful greengrass original and Celtic Nations folk music of Clan Suibhne (pronounced Sweeney) helped us with our book sales.

Selling your books can be viewed as a monumental task or a Hobbit’s adventure and it starts with the author making the decision to put themselves out there. Don’t be shy and make that first step of the journey by contacting book stores, cafes and libraries and who knows? You might even bump into me and I might want to interview you.


  1. It's a privilege to know you! Congratulations on all your recent successes and keep having fun, you busy busy bee!

    1. Thank you, Jessica. And, it's a privilege to know you, too.
