
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

A Weekend of Wizardry, Muggles, Vendors, and Insights

I’m constantly attending events as a vendor to sell my sci-fi Roof Oasis Series and to do Psychic readings. I love the excitement of seeing old friends and meeting new people. Although I’ve seen every Harry Potter film, I’ve never read the books, so I was a bit hesitant when my granddaughter asked me to share her table for a Twitch-Twitch Production Event.
My granddaughter, Allie, is a big Harry Potter fan and she wanted me to join her for the Pomynauk Academy Event that celebrated the 20th Anniversary of Harry Potter. This event was held at the Old Bethpage Restoration Village in Old Bethpage New York. It was a two day event that offered Wizardry classes for the kids while offering a shopping spree for the adults. How could I refuse the offer?

Road Trip

There comes a moment in every grandparent’s life when we realize that little girl or boy that we cradled in our protective arms is now a grown, functioning, adult. Allie is my first grandchild and even though she is a successful and enterprising young woman, I still view her as one of the kids. That view changed drastically over the weekend. The Pomynauk Academy Event was a good three-hour-ride, but my granddaughter took care of all the details which included: directions to the venue; reserving a hotel room; booking a table at the event; setting up our space; gas and tolls. Allie, who designs and makes her own products called Loonilolidesigns: hats, bows, earrings, etc., picked me up and off we went. It was such a pleasure to play the role of passenger for a change. Allie even had the music for the ride up planned: Everything Disney!
After we arrived at the beautiful restored barn, Allie got to work setting up our space. I wasn’t allowed to lift anything heavy. It’s nice to have someone “Mother” me for a change. The next day we were at the barn, bright and early and the students and their parents arrived for the series of wizardry classes. There was plenty to keep everyone entertained, including belly dancers and a dinosaur.

The barn at Old Bethpage Village is a replica of the original 1860 Mineola Fair Building which offers 8000 square feet that can hold 300 people. The wooden beams and cathedral ceilings are awesome to behold.

The village itself is a living history museum that consists of 36 houses, barns and buildings dating from 1765 to 1865. I only had a little bit of time to explore the land and was only able to visit one of the homes. As a psychic/medium, I can sense spirits wherever I go and I was able to pick up a spirit in the building that I visited. She belonged to the home, and she was a bit curious as to why all these people were visiting her house.


Elsie Martinez-Ginsburg, who is the owner of Macabre Faire Film Festival as well as the Director/Writer/Producer/Actor at Twitch-Twitch Productions, did a beautiful job with the Pomynauk Academy Event. Although, I'd been friends with Elsie on Facebook for years, this was the first time I'd met her in person.

I finally got to meet PatrickDevaney. Patrick is an Independent director, producer, actor, and the creator of the Zombie Hunter Show several times, here,  here  here, and here  but this was the first time that I met Patrick in person.
I did get to see another talented director friend, Manny Serrano and you can read my interview of Manny here. I'm really happy to have finally met these two amazing men and their lovely brides and, I hope to get more interviews with them.
I had a great time at the event selling my books and doing psychic readings, but the best part of the weekend was spending some quality time with my granddaughter.

Check out my calendar page for upcoming events here.


  1. The place is beautiful. It sounds like you had fun. I've seen the HP movies but haven't read the books yet either. Most of my family has. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thank you, Victoria. The place is beautiful and I hope to go back next year to explore more of the historic town

  2. Congratulations, Marie! I have nominated you and your wonderful blog to receive the Liebster Blogging Award. Please visit my Adventures in Writing blog to find the details:
    You will find your blog listed there with brief details about it and some questions to answer.

    1. Thank you, Victoria. I'll jump over to your blog!!!!!

  3. You are the best, Marie! Hope you are enjoying your summer, my dear. All best to you!

  4. Marie, congratulations again with your new release of Roof Oasis. My daughter's birthday is on the 24th of Sept. So I'll have to let you know if I can get away to attend your book launch. As always, I wish you the best with all your endeavors.

  5. Okay, so Marie, your movie and TV reviews scare me. I can't help it. That's why I can't watch blood and guts shows. My mind never forgets--especially in the dark of night.

    For this reason, I can't wait for Fred and Lucy to come out. Keep me posted, my dear. And I haven't forgotten about getting together for lunch. I'm seriously trying to fit it in. Love you!
