I’m here today with Kahlil and Zhäriya to learn more
about their writing and what their plans are for the future. Kahlil is a writer
and a publisher and he is also a member of the South Jersey Writers’ Group.
Zhäriya is still in high school, but this is one talented young lady and she’s
had her first book of poems published.
Gilbert: “So Kahlil when did you start your writing career and what inspired
you to write?”
Weston: “I started writing back in 1997 when I started
writing I started kind of raw and I didn’t know the idea I wanted to take when
I wrote. I didn’t start taking my writing a little more serious until I went to
prison in 1998 and during that course of time, I started writing things up. I
didn’t know what style of writing I wanted to take so I did a lot of writing,
hand writing for several years, but eventually I had to learn to start typing
and once I learned how to type things then I said that IZZhIt'siyato start
publishing books so then I went under
Author House. When I went with Author House, I signed a contract with them in
2004, but I got burned out and once I got burned out, I went through a major
case of writer’s block where I didn’t write nothing at all for four years.
What kind of got me back into writing was when I was
under house arrest in 2009, I had a lot of down time so I began to start
writing again, but what basically got me influenced where I wanted to get my
book published was...I went to a book signing for Mika Brsezinski from the Morning Joe, it was a book
that she promoted called “All Things At Once.”
Gilbert: “And, where was this?”
Weston: “In Philadelphia, and I was on house arrest and
it’s kind of funny.”
Gilbert: “Well don’t say that on here.” Both of us are laughing.
Kahlil Weston: “No, no, I’m not on
house arrest. So I went over there and I sort of had a moment and went over
there and kissed her on the cheek and I think it got me the influence because I
started thinking from a writer’s perspective. If she has her book out, what’s
stopping me from doing mine? So that’s when I started writing again and I wrote
two books under Author House, “The Kahlil Weston Hour” and another one called
“The Wes Daddy Mack Hour.”
“The Kahlil Weston Hour”, was just an introduction
of me as a writer, but with “The Wes Daddy Mack Hour” I took a darker and
deeper turn, a more sinister and twisted turn in that style of writing where I
wanted to go. Then last year when I wanted to come out with a book called “The
Young and The Westless, Author House and I had an impasse and then they decided
that I had given several different revisions of the book and they canceled the
project and didn’t want to have anything to do with it. So a friend of mine
named Eric Jackson told me how to basically do your own publishing company and
to start doing your own thing and that’s how the whole idea came up with “Mad
Writer Publishing”
Kahlil points to Zhariya and continues his story.
“Now what brought her into this was last year my facebook information got synched
with my phone and Zhäriya's stepfather, Johnnie Thomas El, who is now my right
hand on “Mad Writer Publishing”. I called him on a whim because I hadn’t seen
him in a few years and Johnnie happened to mention that he heard that I had
published some books. I told him that I was going to start my own publishing
company and one of my goals is to bring out other writers whose last name isn’t
Weston, because you know that’s my famous catchphrase. Johnnie told me that his
stepdaughter did a book of poetry and I told him for her to give me the
material so we could work on it. I knew I had to be serious about the whole
I stayed in touch with him and Zhäriya and I
periodically spoke until her material was done around Christmas time last year
and we started working on the project.”
Gilbert: “So starting with “The Young and the Westless” that was the first book
published under The Mad Writer Publishing?”
Weston: “Yeah that name came about from originally a
chapter I wrote in “Wes Daddy Mack Hour” called, the mad writer, and when I
wrote a sequel called “Mad Writers Gone Mad” and the idea was there and then
when my friend Eric Jackson knew I was going to start my own publishing company
and that’s when he said to me, “You call yourself the mad writer, so why don’t
you come up with Mad Writer Publishing. I felt like the mad happy face fit the
personality of me as a writer.”
Gilbert: “What do you like better, writing or publishing?”
Weston: “As of now, I would say more the writing than the
publishing because I can get my impressions, thoughts and view out there
because I consider myself a dark type of writer and I like to write
sarcastically. I like to write about sinister stuff and on top of that I feel
that if I have a bone to pick with somebody, I’ll write some stuff up on them;
find weaknesses with them. It’s like how rappers rap. When I’m coming at
somebody, I call it battle writing and what I’ll do is write a chapter where I
verbally tear down somebody’s dignity to the smallest compound.”
Gilbert: “But, you only do this in your stories and not to their face?”
Weston: “No, I don’t do this to their face, but after I’m
done, I’ll send it to them to let them know what I was thinking and usually I
tend to humble them when I do.”
Gilbert: “Did you ever have someone not get what you were trying to tell them?”
Weston: “I think people got the message when I did it. The
seed for this was planted when I got fired from a job in 2001 and some people
were taking shots at me and I wrote some stuff up about them and humbled all
those who went against me. The old saying is the pen is mightier than the sword
and that’s where I go with that. After, when I meet an old adversary, they’re
usually quiet because they were bullying you and you came back at them.”
Gilbert: “Where do you get your experience for your writing? Does it come from
your background?”
Weston: “Some chapters do. I don’t talk about what went on
in prison because that’s not my type of style. I like to have fun and I like
sarcastic humor. I can be serious about things and I can write a parody of
something tragic that happened, but that’s just part of me as a writer. It’s
nothing personal, but let’s just say that something happened in America and I
would take that role as a villain for example a chapter I did called (Wes Mohamed) about the sniper from D.
C. and I put my spin to the whole thing and wrote about people I don’t like and
taking sarcastic pot shots at them.”
Gilbert: “Okay, I’ll stop here and pick up with Zhariya. When did you start
writing and what is your inspiration?”
“What inspired me to write was back when I was about eleven years old, me and
my grandmother always went back and forth. We always had animosity between us
for whatever reason there was always a strain in our relationship and it came
to the point where I was always holding things in for so long that I just ended
up cussing her out at one point in time. After that day happened, I wrote about
four lines on Facebook and apparently they were deep. A lot of people liked it
and a lot of people said that I had a talent. I wasn’t thinking about that. I
was just venting. I don’t put a lot of stuff on Facebook, but when I do, people
see it.
After that happened, my uncle got me a journal. It
was a Mickey Mouse journal and he got it specifically for me and said, “Well,
since you’re putting stuff up on there, it seems like you’re a writer. Why
don’t you try to write something every day in the journal? It will help you out
and you won’t’ bottle things up.” So, I started writing. It was stuff that was
very light at one point and anything that I felt like doing, things I liked
saying, it was goofy just dumb stuff I was writing. I started writing more
started putting my experiences down, and then, I started putting down things
that I wanted to say to people, but didn’t know how to say it. When I was
talking to my mom there were things that I couldn’t say to her so I wrote it
down because anytime you write it down, it’s going to be different than
speaking it. That’s when my writing basically started.
In eighth grade, when I was thirteen and right
before I turned fourteen is when I started writing more often and my uncle got
me another journal and he put “Writer of the Year” on it and these were
encouraging words and everybody needs that type of motivation to keep going
because I’m not as self-motivated as I should be. I realized that a lot of
people are like that; I need the motivation, the constant badgering, the
positive badgering and the constructive criticism to keep going. That increased
my writing and when I had a relationship with my ex, it increased my writing as
well because I started writing my feelings out.
I’ve always been a fan of metaphors and similes and
always enjoyed vocabulary reading. You know vocabulary was hard for a lot of
people in my grade and age and so I never really connected to the people and
stayed to myself and so I would write it out and with my friends, a lot of them
were cool, but a lot of them didn’t understand where I was coming from even the
people who were poetic. A lot of my friends are poetic. A lot of my friends who
went through something, they come to me and talk about it, because they don’t
have anyone else to talk to and even if I didn’t go through that situation; I
could still relate to them, talk to them and give some advice and, this
triggered more writing and made my writing deeper. It made me use images as
well because a lot of people don’t understand me when I’m talking and I would
have to explain myself. I don’t like explaining myself so when I write there’s
a lot of imagery so they can see what I’m saying. Sometimes when I’m reading
poetry, I don’t understand what they’re talking about or the concept, the plot;
nothing. So, the majority of my writing is imagery.”

Gilbert: “What grade are you in?”
“I’m in eleventh grade.”
Gilbert: “Do your teachers know that you’ve published a book?”
“I think that all my teachers do right now.”
Gilbert: “Are any of your teachers encouraging you with your writing?”
“Yes. A lot of people are encouraging me and a lot of people stopped talking to
me because of it. People just give me looks because of it. They gave me looks
before, but once they heard that I published a book...well. Two of my teachers
bought a book from me.”
Gilbert: “Will they put your book in the school library?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t do that yet because it’s been so much to do during the
year with school stuff that you have to do.”
Gilbert: “You should see if they will put it in the library. Okay, so you did
your book of poems called “Words in My Head” would you like to write a novel or
short story?”
“I’m not sure. When I write stories in class they turn into poems in my head.
Even if it’s not in the standard that I usually write poetry, it’s still poetry
and not a novel or a story. Maybe I could but it’s not going to be the same.”
Gilbert: “Did you and your grandmother make up and does she know about your
“She knows about my writing, but it’s kind of confusing right now. We talk
whenever I see her. I’m not disrespectful and whenever I see her we talk. I
don’t have any hard feelings towards her and if she has hard feelings towards
me, then that’s on her. I’m doing my part.”
Gilbert: “Back to you Kahlil. Where do you see The Mad Writer Publishing
Company going?”
Weston: “I’d love to have my own building and office and
I’d love to start bringing out other writers; expanding and branching out. If
Johnnie and I want to start expanding, we’ll have to bring on other writers.”
Gilbert: “So are you talking about an anthology?”
Weston: “We’re discussing that right now. We’re bringing
on other writers and Zhäriya is going to have other writers with poems or short
stories and it’s depending how many are in this project, to see if it will be
one book or two.”
Gilbert: “How are you getting the news out there for people to submit?”
Weston: “John and I spoke about this and when I joined the
South Jersey Writers’ Group, we started bringing it up periodically, but as
time went along and as we got people interested in the project then I started
discussing it even more. Then in February, Zhäriya and I met at the African
American Book Store in Camden and that’s when we had a lengthy discussion and I
told her that this was her project.”
Gilbert to Zhäriya: “So, it will be up to you to bring in the writers?”
Weston: “People will tell you that they have stuff, but
when you say here is my information, call me.”
“Then you don’t hear anything.”
Weston: “You don’t hear anything because they don’t have
anything to work with.”
Gilbert: “You can put a call out on your
Facebook page and on your website. What type of stories are you looking for? I
can put this on my blog with your information of where to submit.”
“I’m looking for anything from the heart. I want it to be original. When I'm
writing poems and if there’s negativity like when I’m talking about Camden.
Camden is a community I live in. Camden is my community. So I have a poem
called “My Community” and I talk about racial relations and anything we go
through because Camden is very destructive, but I also talk about the positive
outlook, like this is what we need to do and not something that we say we’ll
do. We actually do it by making ourselves better because if we make ourselves
better by spreading love instead of hate; we can go places. If you're writing
negative stuff then it has to be followed by a positive outlook. I want you to
perform it at different places and I want church people to say, “Well, hey, I
like your piece.”
You don’t have to write all your pieces like that
but I want at least one of your pieces to have it and you don’t have to talk
about religious things but positive things that anybody can relate to.”
Gilbert: “So you’ll be taking more of a “Slices of Life” type of stories?”
“Right, I want personal experiences. When I do personal experiences, no one
knows what’s involved because I use metaphors or cover it up with subliminal
messages so you may not know exactly what’s going on, but you get the
Gilbert: “Has your schooling helped with your writing or did you have to do it
on your own?”
“No, the schooling helped with my writing because I honestly did not know what
a metaphor was. People would tell me and tell me, but I was confused; what is a
metaphor? I knew what a simile is, so you know what I mean. English definitely
helped with my vocabulary. I read all the time, but there were certain things
that I learned in there and in the shops that I take up. I go to technical
school and I’m taking up Allied Health and I’m going to graduate and become a
health aide...some of the terms from there I incorporate into my writing and
learning how to play with certain words.”
Weston: “I’ll use this as a metaphor and you know where I
said sometimes you have to go where your leads are for example, I’m the leader
of my own publishing company. Well sometimes you’re a leader and sometimes you
lead by following so sometimes I’ll take a back seat because she’s the one
bringing in the people and so she’s the leader of this project and I’ll follow
her lead and I’ll have to respect that and that’s why I’m going with the
metaphor; you lead by following.”
Gilbert: “Well, that is a sign of a good leader. You have to allow others to
shine be it work or government.”
Weston: “What I do with the compilation of writers that
Zhariya as a Co-Publisher is bringing in is to expand the business by opening
it up to other writers. That’s what I’m trying to do by going forward with Mad
Writer Publishing.”
Gilbert: “So if someone sends you a horror story, it wouldn’t matter.”
Weston: “No, it doesn’t matter. I have several projects
going on along with Zhäriya's and I’m working on “As the Wes Turns” a sequel to
the “Young and the Wesless” or “Wes Daddy Mack Hour 2” and Johnnie Thomas El,
my C. O.O is going to come out with a book also called “Garden State of Mind”.
It's a health and wellness book and it’s still a work in progress.”
Gilbert: “Will there be royalties for the writers who submit a story to the
Weston: “Yes, royalties will be involved.”
Gilbert: “Would they be required to promote the book?”
Weston: “Yes and also that is why I’m breaking it down to
two different teams or books, it would help bring in the sales.”
Gilbert: “Having the writers help promote the book involves a lot of book
signings. Will you be doing this?”
Weston: “We’re working on that, in fact, we have a book
signing coming up for Zhäriya at the Made in Camden Store today and we’re also
going to bring out books under the Made in Camden Store branch because they are
trying to branch out and do more than sell tee-shirts.
Gilbert: “Sounds like you’re trying to create an art and culture center with
the Made in Camden store.”
Weston: “Just like we have the South Jersey Writers’
Group, we might have the Junior South Jersey Writers’ group or Black Urban
Journals’ Group in Camden.”
“That’s what I’m trying to do is promote other people especially if you can
write. I want to show them that there are other opportunities. My friend,
Siani, just started writing a few lines to a poem and I told her to just write
it down. Then we did a combined poem together and the poem is nice.
Gilbert: “I’m wishing you both the best, but Zhäriya you did say that you’re
interested in nursing, but what if your writing is doing better.”
Zhäriya'Amani at the Made In Camden Store
“Yes, I’ve always been interested in neurosurgery and now I want to be an
adolescent psychologist so nursing is just a way to get my foot into the door
of medicine so when I do go to college, I can major in child psychology and a
minor in nursing and I’m thinking of also taking a couple of classes in
creative writing because this is something that I like to do."
Marie Gilbert: “I want to thank you both for
appearing as a guest on my blog and I’m looking forward to following your
progress and sharing it with my readers.