Thursday, July 31, 2014

Steampunk Granny does Tigers, Monkeys and Sharknado 2…Oh My!


I have been doing day trips all week with my granddaughter Kathryn who is visiting from Wyoming and my grandson Nathan who lives in New Jersey. Yesterday we headed out to the Philadelphia Zoo. The big cats and the primates were our favorite sights. We witnessed a Tiger trying to get to an orangutan that mischievously walked above the tiger’s resting spot near  the café where Nathan, Kathryn and I were eating lunch.
Nathan takes Parkour lessons and I've often wondered if the French invented the different movements for this sport by watching these guys.

I introduced Nathan and Kathryn to Sharknado 2 “The second one”. Nathan thought Sharknado 2 was stupid until I explained to him that this was the whole point of the show. It was a tongue-in-cheek, MST3K sponge worthy (yes, I'm quoting Elaine from Seinfeld) type of film. It was meant to be downright stupid. Once Nathan understood, he sat back and enjoyed the movie.


How could you not like Sharknado or Sharknado 2? Where else can you find flying sharks and lots of people to snack on. The Syfy channel deserves a pat on the back for bringing us the sequel to Sharknado.


Our Shark Ninja fighter, Fin Shepard (Ian Ziering), and his trusty sidekick, Skye (Vivica A. Fox), must help the frazzled and clueless citizens of New York survive the flying sharks, and they have to work quickly before two opposing tornadoes meet in the center of New York City.


The show was made even funnier with Mat Lauer and Al Roker playing straight men to the oncoming shark attack weather alert as does Kelly Ripa on her show.


I can't wait until Sharknado 3 comes out and I can't wait until the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel does the next Mega Bad Movie Night featuring this film


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Steampunk Granny Begs Your Patience


I have my granddaughter Kathryn visiting from Wyoming for the next ten days and I have been quite busy taking her and my youngest grandson, Nathan, on daily day trips. I promise to entertain my friends with my many adventures once the grandkids go back home. I am having fun with Kathryn and Nathan. I just hope they don't break old granny.

Steampunk Granny and Super D at the Book Asylum

                      Steampunk Granny and Super D at the Book Asylum

This past Saturday, Super D (Dawn Byrnes) and I were doing what we do best; selling books. We were at a quaint and lovely little gem in Blackwood New Jersey called Book Asylum.


Rosemary and her son Jason welcomed us with open arms and trays of goodies as we began to set up our books.
Dawn and I were selling the South Jersey Writers’ Group's first anthology, Tall Tales and Short Stories from South Jersey. I was also selling Roof Oasis, my first book in an apocalyptic series.


Roof Oasis is an apocalyptic tale with a twist and tells the story of twins Michael and Lucy and their fight against a malicious leader who wants total control of the world and will do anything to achieve this goal. Both books can be purchased from and Amazon/kindle.


My granddaughter Kathryn is visiting from Wyoming. She wants to be a writer and since she and my grandson Nathan are spending the next ten days with me, I thought that Kathryn would enjoy learning about the other side of writing; marketing your book.


We'll be selling our books in August at The Crescent Moon in Mullica Hill on Friday August 15th from 1 to 3
Stop by and say hello and hopefully buy a book or two


Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Day In The Life of Steampunk Granny


Get up…jumped out of bed…ran a comb… This past Tuesday, one of the nine grandchildren that I haven’t seen in quite a while flew in from Wyoming to spend some time with her grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins.

Kathryn is a quiet and thoughtful person and I’m guessing life back home is rather calm and organized. She was in for a big surprise with her East Coast family. There isn’t a calm or quiet bone in our bodies. My youngest grandson was also spending the week with us and this worked out pretty well because Kathryn had someone that liked doing the same things she did.

                                                           At the hippo tank                                                       

I speak South Philly, so it took Kathryn a day or two to understand my slang pronunciations, but with Nathan acting like a translator, we did perfectly well. Wednesday Dan, Kathryn, Nathan and I headed to the Aquarium in Camden, N.J.  Kathryn had been to an aquarium before, but nothing as big as the one in New Jersey. Wait until she sees the one in Baltimore.


We loved the hippos and spent more time at that exhibit before moving on to the sharks. I love this picture.
Kathryn, like me loves turtles and she was able to get one to swim up for this photo

That night we went to the mall with my granddaughter, Katrina. All three kids, clicked right away. They liked the same fashions, stores and spent most of their time in Spencer’s and Hot Topic.

The next day, I took all three to the Franklin Institute to see the Circus and Brain exhibit. Katrina and Nathan did well both on the tightrope and doing flips on the acrobatic section. Kathryn and I stayed safely on the ground.

Friday we headed to Atlantic City. Kathryn having been born in Montana had never seen the ocean. She loved it. It’s funny what we take for granted because it’s so close by ,and yet, it is a life experience for others.

Saturday was a book signing day for me to promote Roof Oasis and to continue to promote the South Jersey Writers’ Group anthology with Dawn Byrne.
Kathryn is a writer, too and was very interested in seeing the other side of writing and why marketing is just as important as writing the book. Nathan and Kathryn were a big help for Super D and I. Dragging two suitcases of books around can get hard sometimes, but Nate and Kathryn helped with the load.



Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pretty Fine Things


My friend Ryan Scott Weber is doing a kickstarter for a new picture called Pretty Fine Things. One of the stars is a good friend of mine, Joe Parascand and he shared a synopsis with me on what the movie would be about. Check it out and then check out the information for the Kickstarter. Tell Ryan that Steampunk Granny sent you.

Synopsis: When the search for a missing girl turns up empty, her friends encounter 3 serial killers that may be involved in her disappearance. Joe Parascand, Edward X Young, and Patrick Devaney will play the 3 serial killers who are brothers in this film. It will be the first time that all 3 of them will be together in the same scenes in any given project. Joe has been most known for the Mary Horror/Sheriff Tom trilogy as well as another trilogy of films called THE SOULLESS. Edward has been known for over 60 films, including Mr. Hush and the Green Monster.
He has also had great roles in Sheriff Tom vs the Zombies, Witches Blood, and Zombies Incorporated - all Ryan Scott Weber projects. Patrick has been most known for his web series, Zombie Hunters: City of the Dead (filming of episode 11 for this series should be this fall and Joe will have a role in it), his short film, Aemorraghe, and he, too, has had great roles in Sheriff Tom vs Zombies, Witches' Blood, and Zombies Incorporated. Add to the above the facts that you'll see some creepy twists and turns and wind up with a dark film that will be as fun to watch as Ryan, his cast, and crew will have had making it.                                                                         

Contact: Ryan Scott Weber

Phone: (908) 644-8712



Anticipated NEW FILM from




Weber Pictures Company has announced a fundraising Campaign on for its


Planned to all be filmed in New Jersey in October of 2014.

From Ryan Scott Weber, the writer and director of the 'Mary Horror Trilogy’ comes the

horror/suspense thriller 'Pretty Fine Things'!  When the search for a missing girl turns up

empty, her friends decide to take matters into their own hands, but what they encounter is

much more than they bargained for.

Owner Ryan Scott Weber (Born February 24, 1980) is an American film director, screenwriter,

producer, cinematographer, actor, editor and musician.  Ryan Scott Weber has had his films

spotlighted at the biggest Horror convention on the east coast: CHILLER THEATRE!  All three of

Weber's films have screened to SOLD OUT crowds at CHILLER THEATRE and Weber has also been

one of their featured guests.  The extent of what Weber has done in the last three years is

extravagant.  He has completed three feature films each for under 5,000 dollars, a TV series, and a

short film.  It’s amazing what can be done with a budget this small.  Weber Pictures Company and Atomic

Kid Productions is located in Bernardsville, New Jersey.  Weber also plays the drums and

previously released two albums with the Trustkill Records Band Crash Romeo with the first being in 2006 and the other in 2008.


Weber has a distinctive directorial style.  He manages to make what appear to be big budget movies for little money.  Weber’s first feature film, Mary Horror, was released in 2012 with the sequel, Sheriff

Tom Vs. the Zombies, released in 2013.  The final installment, Witches Blood, and the short film, The Legend of Zeke, were released in early 2014.


“We are ready to take Weber Pictures Company to the next level by making a film with a proper

budget, which will allow it to become the best one possible.” 


Other conventions that Weber has attended are Monster Mania, Philly Comic Con, BizarreAC, and Parafest, to name a few. Weber's second film, Sheriff Tom Vs.The Zombies, was also a selection of The NJHORRORFEST in New Jersey and MACABRE FAIRE FILM FESTIVAL in Long Island. "We are at a point now where we are ready to make something really great" said Weber about his newest film, Pretty Fine Things.


We need your help to spread the word!   FOLLOW us

on Twitter via @Weberpictures, @ryanscottweber to stay involved.  Tell friends, co-workers and

classmates!  Be apart of Indie Horror history. .



For additional information, please contact Ryan Scott Weber at

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Grand Ole Time At Bogart's Book Store


I love going to Bogart's Book Store in Millville, New Jersey even though it's a hike for me to get there and I always take the wrong turn and get lost. The delightful Amy, owner of this little gem of an establishment, always makes me feel like family whenever I'm there selling books with my sidekicks from the South Jersey Writers' Group.


This time, I took my daughter with me. While I was hustling books including Roof Oasis, the first in a series of apocalyptic tales with a twist, Re was selling her beautiful jewelry and she made a big hit with the pieces she brought with her that day.


Lots of people stopped by to say hello including friend George Scully and new friend, Linda Stevenson who bought a book from me.


Oh yeah and Amy showed me a photo of the ghost who lives in the basement. The spirits were there, but staying out of sight. One tapped me on the head as I was leaving. I don't think it was Andrew. I intend to go back and do some more investigating this summer with my friends from Keystone Spirit Seekers.

Bogart's always has something fun going on and as my daughter and I were packing up, a talented singer, Bob White, began to entertain the bookstore's guests. Unfortunately, we couldn't stay. ReRe had to get home to the kids, but I'm planning on catching the next Saturday performance.

My daughter and I were invited to participate in Amy's Third Friday Events. We will be back at Bogart's on September 19th. Hope to see all my friends, living and dead.

Oh, and before I forget...I am featured in Dark Gothic Resurrected Magazine. The Editor and Publisher, Cinsearae R. Santiago did an interview of me and my book, Roof Oasis. It is a wonderful magazine with lots of interesting stories. Check it out. You can order the magazine from Create Space. for the hard copy or you can get it on Kindle here:


Friday, July 18, 2014

Steampunk Granny's Review of Hairspay


I babysit a couple of times a week for Isabella and little brother Dylan. I’ve been watching Isabella since she was three months old; she’ll soon turn five. These two kiddies are loved by me and my family as if they were my grandkids. But…Isabella is jealous of the time I spend with baby brother. Gee, that kind of reminds me of how I was when my sister Jane showed up on the scene.

Too make a long story short, trying to teach Dylan and keeping Isabella from selling him to the mailman takes its toll on this old granny at the end of the day. Today, I was so tired that I just flopped on the sofa as soon as I came home. I wasn’t ready to work on my writing or interviews so I flicked on the television and scanned through the guide. I was in luck. I found the original version of Hairspray and I settled down to watch it.

Hairspray 1988

Written and directed by the marvelous John Waters, Hairspray is a comedy and musical film that brings up segregation in the 60’s and the trials and tribulations of overweight women.  Divine (Harris Glen Milstead) played two parts in the film, Mrs. Turnblad and Arvin Hodgepile the owner of the television studio. The film also starred Ricki Lake, Debbie Harry, Sonny Bono, Jerry Stiller, Leslie Ann Powers, Ruth Brown, Colleen Fitzpatrick and Shawn Thompson.


Tracy Turnblad (Ricki Lake) and friend Penny (Leslie Ann Powers) want to be part of the Baltimore Corny Collins Show which is like Philadelphia’s Bandstand; it’s the place to go if you like to dance and it’s based on the real-life Buddy Deane show. Overweight people and black people are not welcomed on the show by the owner, Hodgepile (played by Devine) although Corny Collins (Shawn Thompson) is ready to make the show integrated and he likes Tracy’s dancing abilities.

Tracy’s dancing is so good, that even though she’s overweight, she becomes the star of the show, infuriating the show’s reigning queen Amber Von Tussle (Colleen Fitzpatrick). Amber is rich, spoiled and so are her parents, Velma (Debbie Harry) and Franklin (Sonny Bono) who owns an a segregated amusement park. Amber’s boyfriend falls in love with Tracy and Amber and her parents begin to plot on keeping Tracy from winning the title of Miss Auto Show 1963.

Tracy's is not at all embarrassed by her weight and is hired as a plus-size model for the Hefty Hideaway clothing store  Tracy’s teased and dyed hair causes her to be placed in a special education class, where she meets black classmates that were put in the class to keep them back academically. Tracy, her mother (Devine) and father (Jerry Stiller) fight the segregation going on at the Corny Collins show, but Tracy is arrested.


I love this show. I love the dancing and the music. I was an expert at the mash potato, twist, Bristol Stump, and all the dances that were out during the sixties. I even played hooky from high school a few times to take the bus with friends and go to the Bandstand show that was hosted by Dick Clark. I remember my sisters and me driving my father nuts because we were using up his stock of hairspray. We couldn’t help it. We had to have the look!  We would set our hair in empty frozen juice cans to make our hair fuller, followed by teasing our hair a mile above our heads before smoothing it into a style and holding the set with the spray.
This was my teenage years, and yes, it was a time when teenage America found its voice both with its music and with its acceptance of people of different races and cultures. It wasn’t that many years later that we used our voices to protest the war in Vietnam.

Side note: I never understood why that war was started, but our young soldiers from that war were never given their due respects and honor, but having both family and friends fight in that war, I will always be eternally grateful for the bravery of all our Veterans. Oorah!


There was a newer version of Hairspray  in 2007which was directed by Adam Shankman and starred John Travolta as Edna Turnblad, Christopher Walken as Wilbur, Nikki Blonsky as Tracy, Michelle Pfeiffer as Velma, Brittany Snow as Amber, and Queen Latifah as Motormouth Maybelle.

I loved this version just as much, and especially John Travolta's and Christopher Walken's take on Edna and Wilbur

If you get the chance, watch both, and then let me know which version you enjoy the best...and make sure you brush up your moves on the dance floor.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Part Three of Steampunk Granny's Interview with Actress Genoveva Rossi

                                       Genoveva Rossi in The Enchantress                     

Hello readers and welcome back to my blog and the final part of my interview with the lovely and talented actress, Genoveva Rossi. If you’ve missed part one or parts two of the interview, you can check them out here and here.

Marie Gilbert: “Before we end, I wanted to know if you had the chance to star in any movie that’s out now, which one would you choose.”

Genoveva Rossi: “The only thing that comes to mind is I would like to be in a Dario Argento film. I’m a big fan of Argento,   the Italian director. I would like to be in something more ambitious, with a larger budget. 

I wanted to tell you what movies I’m working on now, one is The Enchantress where I play a sorcerous with Hylo Dekan studios. It’s not on my IMDb yet, but it’s on my Facebook profile. I have a folder filled with some great productions pictures. It’s a pretty exciting movie that’s being filmed in the Buffalo area and another film that I’m working on is Hunters and it stars Linnea Quigley, a scream queen that's been acting since the 1980’s and she’s pretty huge in the horror genre. I’m a big fan of hers been in Night of the Demons, Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers and other horror movies. The film has already been mentioned in Fangoria MagazineAdam Ahlbrandt is the director, he is amazing to work with, and he has a quite a cult following.
I play Edna and it’s probably going to be my most disturbing role to date and probably my most risqué film. This is a very shocking movie and the director is anticipating possible death threats after the release.”

Marie Gilbert: “Really?”

Genoveva Rossi: “Yes, he wanted to push the envelope and create some controversy and go into some uncharted territory in the horror genre.”

Marie Gilbert: “This sounds like an interesting film.”
Genoveva Rossi: “I’m really excited to try things I haven’t done before and it’s a unique film and I’m very excited to be part of it. I’m in it with Jason Vail, who is a great actor and he came up from Atlanta Georgia to play in this film. He has been on the Guiding Light series and some other things. I’m excited to work with him and I’ve seen some of his previous work as an actor including his short, The Cabin. Then there is another girl named Mel Heflin who came up from Florida to work in the film. It was my first time working of Adam Ahlbrandt and I’m hoping to work again with him in the not so distant future. He’s kind of a mad genius when it comes to directing films. This film has the potential to explode when it’s released.”


Hunters with Mel Heflin, Jason Vail & Genoveva Rossi

Marie Gilbert: “I’ll be keeping my eyes open for that one. I have one last question. Did you ever have a part that you felt uncomfortable with?”
Genoveva Rossi: “There was one Bill Zebub movie called Jesus, Daughter of God, which is a religious comedy and because I consider myself a Christian and Catholic and the film sort of makes fun of religion, but I talked to the director before I did the film to see how far he would push the anti-Christian element, but since I‘ve played a Satanist in a lot of movies and stuff like murderers, cannibals, zombies and vampires; I figured acting is just acting. It’s not an extension of who you really are, but every now and then people will contact me and tell me, you’re such a slut and this and that.”

Marie Gilbert: “Oh my God…”
Genoveva Rossi: “Yeah, and I say you know if I’m playing a doctor, or Satanist, or murderer, zombie, or witch in a movie, but that’s not who I really am after I leave the set.”

Marie Gilbert: “That is so bizarre that they would think it is.”

Genoveva Rossi: “Maybe some people have a hard time separating fantasy from reality. If you play your character that well, people, sometimes people believe that’s the real you. One actor told me to take it as a compliment because you did such a good job playing that role that those people didn’t think you were acting.”
Marie Gilbert: “Thank you, Genoveva. Is there anything that you would like to say before the interview is over?”

Genoveva Rossi: “Your readers can find me online. I’m Genoveva Rossi, the ScreamQueen of about fifty films. You can follow me on Twitter and Facebook, in fact, I’mwriting a column for Malevolent Magazine, called “A Day in the Life of a Scream Queen”. In every issue I will talk about my experiences with acting, my films, going to conventions and meeting horror fans. People are always interested in what goes on behind the scenes.”

Horror fans can also meet me in person at:

Connecticut Horrorfest on August 23rd

Long Island's Blood and Babes Comic Con Sept 12-14th

Marie Gilbert: “I’ll keep my eye open for that and let my readers know when and where they can find this.”

Genoveva Rossi: “Malevolent Magazine is a fun magazine and I was featured as a scream queen in its second issues and the editor wanted to keep me on board and I suggested this. I was happy to write the column because people are always asking me about all the wacky things that can happen behind the scenes. So look for my column "A Day in the Life of a Scream Queen".

Marie Gilbert: “I would love to know about stuff like this. It’s the perfect thing to write about because it’s so interesting.”

 Genoveva Rossi: “I’ll tell you about one thing that happened on the set of A Dark Place Inside, one of the three films I’m screening. I forgot to tell you about that one. In that film one of the stars plays the mother of the little boy who will become a serial killer. It got a great review in the 2014 issue of HorrorHound Magazine. It was a difficult subject matter and the movie is really about the action instead of the dialogue because it is about a serial killer's daily life.


A Dark Place Inside with Rob Dimension, Genoveva Rossi & Kieran Boyle

We did a screening of the film to see how it would work and I did an actor’s commentary as the film played, and after, people said they actually liked it better that way with me explaining what was going on in each scene and also with me telling them about the whole process of filming. I was working with a child actor who was only eight years old on and in what was a very difficult subject matter and people said it was very interesting to hear about how we filmed.”

Marie Gilbert: “That is so interesting and maybe you would be able to do that with other movies. You could give all the background information especially if they’re showing a film at one of the conventions like at the Paranormal Unity Expo that we both attended.”

Genoveva Rossi: “I was there because I’m a professional psychic and tarot card reader.”

Marie Gilbert: “I didn’t know that.”

Genoveva Rossi: “Yes, I travel all over. I do Tarot Card readings almost every week privately and travel all over the country. Perform readings in person, via skype, email, on chat, etc. Find my tarot page on Facebook: Tarot by Genoveva


Marie Gilbert: “I was wondering why you were at the Paranormal Unity Expo. I knew you were an actress, but I saw you sitting in Dave Juliana’s class, I assumed you were just interested in the subject matter and not that you were able to read cards. So, do you also go ghost hunting?”

Genoveva Rossi: “Besides the Tarot card readings, I’m also a Spiritualist and I give spiritual advice to people. I was doing psychic reading at Bizarre AC as well as promoting my horror film work. One woman contacted me and said that what I had read on Saturday; came through for her that Monday at work. She came into work and they give her a whole new position. I told her that on a Saturday and this happened to her on a Monday.”

Marie Gilbert: “She contacted you when this happened?”
Genoveva Rossi: “Yes, she contacted me on my Facebook page to tell me that everything I said would happen did happen. She told her coworkers at work and they were all a little bugged out.”

Marie Gilbert: “That is so nice. What about the ghost hunting. Do you ever go on an investigation?”

Genoveva Rossi: “I’ve never done that, but I would be opened to that. Recently I’ve had experiences with a friend at several Chiller Theatre and at Bizarre A.C. My friend has several photographs from horror conventions in particular where you can see orbs hanging near his head or shoulder… He lost a person in his life years ago and this spirit accompanies him to Chiller and Bizarre A.C. His love still accompanies him to all the conventions much like she did when they were still together.”

Marie Gilbert: “You would do great at ghost hunting. You are sensitive to paranormal events and would pick up things right away.”

Genoveva Rossi: “Well, I do some medium work as well because sometimes when I’m reading people, I’ll pick up spirits and converse with them as well. So I’ve never been on an investigation, but if the opportunity arises, I would like to go to one.”

Marie Gilbert: “I’ll let you know the next investigation that I go to. I did recently go to an investigation at Salem Mansion in Norristown with the Keystone Spirit Seekers and that building was very active. I wrote an article for Biff Bam Pop on the experience because I’m one of their senior writers. If we go back to Salem Mansion, I will let you know.”

Genoveva Rossi: “Please do that because I would love to come with you. When I travel all over the country sometimes I’ll go on ghost walks in New Orleans and Savannah where they tell you ghost stories, but a ghost hunt would be great.”

Marie Gilbert: “Yes, because we spent most of the night at Salem Mansion and there were two groups there. We were invited to join the Keystone Spirit Seekers who had all the needed equipment like cameras, video set ups, and I think you would enjoy participating.”

Genoveva Rossi: “One thing I wanted to tell you was that I actually had a paranormal experience in one of my films, The Bible Belt Slasher, part 2. There was this one scene where a woman is playing dead in a bathtub. The microphone that they were using picks up everything and there were some serious strange sounds that popped up on the recording. The director decided to use those sounds in the background. If you ever watch The Bible Belt Slasher and you come up to the scene with the woman in the tub, then what you’re hearing is probably paranormal activity. It sounds so other worldly and the director swears that he did not add anything in, but he decided to use it because it was so cool. Maybe the violence in the scene attracted a spirit in the house.”


Marie Gilbert: “Most old homes usually have a guest and the director is probably right because you were doing a horror film and the scene gave energy to the spirit.”

Genoveva Rossi: “It was a very violent scene and it could have attracted this entity. So don’t forget to call me when you go on your next investigation.”

Marie Gilbert: “I will. I’m planning on going to this one mansion that I know is very active and both my young granddaughter and I both had experiences while there for a rehearsal dinner, so I will definitely call you if we’re given permission to investigate. I want to thank you Genoveva for being so gracious and accommodating for this interview. It was a true pleasure getting to know more about you.”

Thank you so very much, Genoveva for being a guest on my blog. It was a true pleasure spending time with you, and if my readers are interested in learning more about Genoveva Rossi, you can find her on Twitter and Facebook. Don't forget these upcoming dates to meet Ms. Rossi.

Connecticut Horrorfest on August 23rd

Long Island's Blood and Babes Comic Con Sept 12-14th