This past
Thursday, I had the pleasure of going on a retreat with five fabulous fellow
writers. Our team leader, Amy shared her family’s home in Vermont with us so
that we could have a secluded spot to work on the upcoming anthology which is
planned to be released in the winter, but also to work on our own projects.
My husband looked
up the address on Google Earth. “I don’t think you’ll have any distractions,”
he said.
I stopped packing
to look at the picture. “Where is everything? I asked. There were lots of
trees, a road here and there, but on Google, we appeared to be very far from
any type of civilization.
“Do you think there might be bears up there?” I

“You might see a
bear, maybe a moose, why?”
“Oh nothing,” I
replied. I have a civil war sword that I had bought in
Gettysburg. Maybe I should take some protection.
I told my husband
my plans, but after laughing his head off, he said, “You can’t walk and chew
gum at the same time. You’ll wind up killing yourself.”
The day of the
trip, I was packed and ready for the ride up to Vermont. We didn’t get to the
house until late and were greeted by very large spiders.
Who were wondering
why we were there and they didn’t look much too friendly either.
Here you see the
group having breakfast in town at the Cup and Saucer. Yes there was a town; it
just didn’t show up on Google Earth.
The food and coffee were great.
Here we are
working hard at our stories.
More spiders, big
spiders and I swear one had on a tee-shirt that said, “Make my Day.”
This photo does no justice to how big they were. To me, they looked more like this photo.
Here we are having
a fun dinner.
We know how to party!
It rained most of
the time we were there, but every once in a while we had a break in the
downpour and went for a walk.
I want a house like this one day.
I want a house like this one day.
I never did get to
see any bears and strangely felt disappointed, go figure?
No moose either,
but I did get to see a steer.
No moose either,
but I did get to see a steer.
It was a good time for all and I’m looking forward to doing this again.
Packing up to leave.